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Management Consultancy

Jobs We handle 

  1. Limited Assurance Review: As a result of regulatory changes to audit thresholds in recent years, many companies are no longer required to have a statutory audit. While many companies have continued to have an audit for various reasons other companies still want to have their accounts reviewed externally, without the need for an audit. 

  2. Due Diligence: Jain Singhal Khandelwal & CO . has an experienced team to carry out due diligence assignments for clients acquiring businesses, securing funding or floating on a listed market.

  3. Service Charge Accounts & Property Management Support: A key responsibility for landlords and managing agents of leasehold properties is to provide high quality, transparent service charge accounts, to demonstrate to residents and other interested parties the integrity with which service charge funds have been spent.

  4. Financial Outsourcing: There are many administrative and technical business functions that your business can outsource.

Image by Carl Heyerdahl

 20 Years of Accumulated Practice

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