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 Tax and Audit Experts

Indivdual Tax and Audit

After years of serving clients in some of the largest metropolitan areas, our practice has obtained the expertise to  navigate your specific regulatory environment and achieve desired outcomes on your return with solid professional integrity.

Some common areas that we handle on a daily basis:

  1. Preparation of return

  2. Past-Due Tax Returns

  3. Refund Assessment

  4. Getting Assessment done

  5. Consultancy in tax matters & tax planning

  6. Transfer Pricing matters - TP Study, TP Report, TP Assessment & Objections with DRP

  7. TDS & Withholding tax compliance

  8. Income Tax Appeals before CIT (Appeals)

  9. Income Tax Appeals before ITAT


Business Tax and Audit 

We are very familiar and up to date with business tax deductions.  We are able to give you advice on “how” to save on tax and how to reduce your chances of being audited.

We have developed a comprehensive list of business tax deductions over the years, will advise you of the ones that applied to your tax situation, and many do apply and assist you to implement them.  We want to ensure that you make full use of all the tax deductions available to you to minimize your tax.

In addition, we will give you a rundown of various tax deduction ideas to keep in mind as you operate your business.

For new businesses, we will bring you up to speed on filing requirements, due dates, deadlines, and compliance requirements.

Some common areas that we handle on a usual basis:

  1. Statutory audit

  2.  Internal audit

  3.  System & management audit

  4.  Concurrent and Income & Expenditure audit

  5.  Bank audit

  6.  Stock audit

  7.  Due diligence

  8.  Certification work

Image by Erol Ahmed

 20 Years of Accumulated Practice

Request a Price Quote

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